A Journey With Table Tennis: December 2006

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Post-Vietnam Trip

Came back from Vietnam 3 days ago. In general, it was fulfilling as I managed to achieve my target of winning at least 1 medal. It has been a long time since I participated in an international tournament and the urge to win suddenly returned, as I saw myself training hard for this competition right after the end of my exams. Thank goodness the hard work that I had put in wasn't in pain - Came back with 2 bronzes and I think its good enough, considering how last-minute my preparations for it was.

Fell sick since I came back. First my wisdom tooth(the right one this time) got infected. My gums were so swollen that my cheek got swollen as well. Next it was my throat. The phlegm that I saw was bright yellow! Yuck. =P Went to see a doctor today and was put on antibiotics. Hope it helps. I can't stand having to rest at home the whole day! Also feel bad cos couldn't go NH to coach them today. I counted and realised how many sessions of training I have missed this month. Missed one cos grandma was hospitalized, missed another cos was dizzy after morning training(before the trip), and now I have to miss another. Missed 3 training sessions just within a short span of 1 month. Really hope that I'd be well enough to go tomorrow.

The worst part was being unable to enjoy Xmas as well as I'd wished to. Watched death note 2, had dinner, and felt so terrible that I had to go home after that when it was only about 9pm. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the day as I received a cute present and a box of gingerbread man cookies which my friend baked by himself. Those were things that certainly brightened my day.

Anyway, the Vietnam trip made me realise how bad my stamina was. Was panting like a dog by the 3rd match of the day. My strength and speed had deteriorated very obviously too. =( Think I ought to hit the gym once again and get my body toned before I leave for NZ in less than 2 months' time. Was informed that I'm likely to be sent for the World Uni Games in August next year, so I guess I should start preparing early this time. After all, it's gonna be one of my last few tournaments before I officially start work. I'm beginning to treasure such opportunities more, knowing that these are things that I will no longer get to participate in once I start my career. Also treasure the friendships forged with players of other countries. Felt very sad on my last day in Vietnam, wondering if I would get to see them again. I'm beginning to understand the spirit of such games and appreciate the bonds forged with players of other countries. Its nice to see and feel for myself how people of different countries could come together, play against each other, make an effort to communicate despite the language barrier, and last but not least, enjoy the game and learn from one another!

Oh well, how I wish that I can recover soon... wanna start hitting the gym tomorrow!