A Journey With Table Tennis: Adjusting...

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


School has started and I can feel IT coming - the craziness. Who to blame but myself, for choosing to take 5 Maths modules and 1 Physics module(the LAST! :D)... Anyway, there's no time for regrets. It just means I need to be be more focused and faithful in doing my tutorials and keeping up with lessons. My life needs to be adjusted once again, to that of minimizing 'human contact time' during the weekdays. The hermit has once again resurfaced.

After 3 months of not studying, I can feel the inertia there. It doesn't help when some lecturers take a long time to upload their tutorials... When I'm in the mood to do something constructive, there's nothing to be done. When I'm tired and not in the mood for it, it comes. To make things worse, this particular lecturer gave out a piece of paper that says 'tutorial 1' but there are no questions in it. All that's written there is the title of a book that he recommends, and the exercise numbers to be done. A tutorial without questions... how interesting. So I'm(as well as the other 50 odd people taking this module) supposed to go to the library, search high and low for this book, snatch it from whoever's hogging onto it, tear out the pages(or maybe not...), place it on the photocopy machine, insert a cashcard, and press on the print button. Never knew that getting hold of tutorial questions could be such an exciting adventure. Maybe thats how level 4000 modules are made fun! *ponders* Perhaps when I start teaching in the future, I can try that - make my students hunt for their homework questions. I'm sure that will lessen my workload because most likely no one will submit it and I will have nothing to mark. =P (Disclaimer: The above is not to be taken seriously. It does not represent the views of the author.) [This disclaimer is for my future boss to see only hehe]

Other than having to adjust back to studying, I guess I also need to get used to having more and more people around me being miles apart from me. Jer and ZW have left for the States, FY is leaving for UK in a month's time, WJ is leaving for US in 5 hours time and the list goes on... Things are happening too fast for me to feel anything about their leaving at the moment but I'm sure that when all of them have left, I certainly would start to feel IT...

In any case, I'm really happy to be back in Hall after the serious quarrel with my bro some time back. If there's anyone who can get me burning with fiery, its gotta be him... so full stop about him. No point talking about him anyway, he's not gonna read this.

Another adjustment that I foresee I will need to make is having to spend some time during the weekdays for my tuition kid as her PSLE draws near. Hope that it won't be too draining and that I will survive the 'last sprint' together with her.

As for coaching TT at NH, I'm glad to have 2 weeks of break which came at a good time. After that I'll probably be focusing more on brushing up their skills and perhaps teaching some new skills. Lots and lots of multi balls are in for them. I'd think its the best time for skills-upgrading through multi ball training since there is no competition drawing near. Best time to change what needs to be changed too. Some of them have serious problems with their footwork...

As for my own playing, I'm pleasantly surprised that I still managed to beat my counterparts at the recent selection trial for the upcoming Asean University Games(in Dec) despite having not trained for a long time... BUT that might mean extra commitment for myself during the term should they decide that training should start soon. Hope that that doesn't happen otherwise my books would start crying for my attention.

Lastly, think I really need to get used to waking up early once again even though I do not have any lessons in the morning. This semester's timetable is quite horrible, with all my lessons in the afternoon and ending late/very late. Alas, I'm sick of waking up late, skipping breakfast, feeling guilty about having wasted the beautiful morning sleeping away, yet waking up late again the next day. It's about time to do something about it lest it becomes habitual.



At Thursday, August 31, 2006 6:43:00 PM, Blogger 1nspired said...

Yep... so relieved that this Phy module is my last! Still hoping that I don't have to teach Phy next time. =P

Anyway, as usual... during term time, I don't really go online to chat[Maybe only once in a (long) while]. MSN becomes a tool which I use to discuss project with project mates... which is quite sian lah. That explains why you haven't been seeing me online. In a nutshell, the work is pouring in like siao. =( How about over at your side? Is the workload heavy and how are your lecturers? Any as idiotic(or more idiotic) than mine?

As for breakfast, skipping it is not a bad idea actually. I've put on >3kg in the past 2-3 weeks and at this rate, I'll balloon into an ****** in no time. LOL~

Best Wishes.

At Thursday, September 07, 2006 5:58:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

About the footwork, are u talking bout me??

At Thursday, September 07, 2006 7:42:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's your e-mail address? Need it so tat, I can invite u to d TT Blog!


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