A Journey With Table Tennis: Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Friday, October 20, 2006

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

With 5 tests down and just 2 more to go and Deepavali falling on the next day(means no commitment), I finally had the time to get my easily-infected wisdom tooth extracted yesterday. Guess how many days of MC I was given? Not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, not 5, not 6, not 7, but EIGHT days... All the way up till next Friday. Got freaked out when the dentist's assistant told me I would be getting so many days of MC(before the op) - it only got my imagination running wild before the op, wondering how bad a state I would be in after the op.

I still remember how I woke up in the morning feeling scared, having heard of horror stories from friends about their wisdom tooth extraction experiences. Tried hard not to think too much and tried to have some food, before making my way down to the dentist's. Was feeling extremely nervous(being one that is scared of needles), and the 30 min wait for my turn wasn't helpful at all in alleviating my nervousness.

The next thing I knew, I was in the room... lying helpless on the chair(what do you call that kinda chair?). I turned to ask the dentist in a half-joking manner 'Doctor, when was the last time you performed such an op ah?' He replied 'last week'. I heaved a sigh of relief. Next, the dentist told me that he would be giving me local anaesthesia to numb the area. I asked if there's any other way out other than having injection... to which he replied 'Got, I use hammer to conk you out lor.' DIAO... but he reassured me that it wasn't going to hurt. Surprisingly, he did a good job and I didn't even know when exactly the needle went in, probably because of the cream which he applied to the area before he gave the injection. The next thing I knew, the lower left side of my mouth started getting numb. It surely did feel strange.

Then an X ray of my wisdom tooth was taken and he returned to do all the drilling and cutting. I didn't dare to open my eyes at any point of time, knowing I would surely only be freaked out by all the blood and cutting. I could feel him putting in different kinds of strange stuff into my mouth and at one point of time, using something to pull out the teeth. He was using a lot a lot of force but the tooth refused to come out, being as stubborn as its owner. =P So he did more drilling and cutting(I think), and tried pulling it out with a lot of strength again. I don't know exactly how many times he did it, and finally it came out... though I also didn't know when it came out. After that, I could feel some thread being placed inside my mouth and a knot was tied. After the excess was cut off, the dentist told me 'its done'. RELIEVED is the word to describe how I felt at that moment. The whole dreadful procedure was finally over! I opened my eyes and he showed me the wisdom tooth which he had just extracted, placed it in a small ziploc bag and gave it to me 'as souvenir'. I was surprised to see how big the tooth was, with 2 protruding 'roots' that made it look like a vampire's fangs. Couldn't believe it belonged to me because whenever I checked my teeth in the mirror, I could never see such a big tooth. No wonder it gave me problems - half of that big thing was impacted in my gums and refused to surface, thus causing the frequent infections.

Took a short rest there first before making my way home. He gave me antibiotics and painkiller to be taken three times a day, and this anti-inflammatory medicine that was supposed to be swallowed 12 at the same time. When I swallowed that, I felt as though I was trying to commit suicide. =P

Went back home and took the medication. Had to bite the gauze so didn't manange to eat anything until 6pm in the evening. At that time, the effects of the anaesthetic finally worn off and my mouth didn't feel numb anymore. Unfortunately, that was when it started hurting a hell lot, but thank goodness only for a short while. Was supposed to meet up with a classmate R before he was due to fly off today but ended up having to 'pang seh' him because of the sudden onset of pain. I wasn't sure if that feeling was gonna come back anytime soon.

Thankfully it didn't, and I was feeling quite alright. Even managed to do up some work in the night. However, it seemed that the bleeding hadn't stopped by night. I went to sleep and it wasn't easy getting to sleep because my mouth kept salivating. That wasn't good because it would 'wet' the area and that certainly would not help stop the bleeding. I finally managed to sleep anyway and woke up late this morning, only to spit out a mouthful of blood. I believe I had drank quite a bit of blood throughout the night too, evident from the colour of the phlegm which I spit out. I have officially turned into a blood-sucking vampire. =P

Ended up having to bite gauze again for an hour or so, before having some food then the medication, after which I put another gauze in to bite which is still in my mouth now. Wonder if I will start feeling strange without gauze in my mouth after 2 days of biting it. I BITE hor!

Another weekend burnt... Was already feeling really bored after having so many weekends burnt. Hopefully will be able to have some fun next weekend after the 6th test and 2 weeks before the 7th.

Doubt I will be making full use of the MC given... can't imagine skipping so much lessons just less than 1 month before the exams. =\ In any case, I'm just glad that the semester will be over very soon(last day of exams: 2nd Dec!). After which I will have a long break before heading to NZ somewhere in mid-Feb. I hope that by the time I leave, I have done a good job in training up sufficient players for next year's competition. The motivated ones I mean. I think I may have to give up training a few of them who have lousy attitude and only go training to waste time running and fooling around and save up the time for those really willing to learn and have good attitude.

It will certainly not be easy for the current team to maintain the top 4 position in the nationals, but I hope that at the very least, they could maintain their top 3 position in the zone level. Hope that the players from last year's top 4 team could motivate the current younger players and spur them to reach their level. Some are simply too lazy... that I wonder how many times I have ticked them off for being lazy and for their lousy attitude.

Enough of complaining manz. This whole post consists of nothing but my mindless rantings...

Wishing all Hindus a Happy Deepavali!


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