A Journey With Table Tennis: Getting Squeezed Out Of A Seat

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Getting Squeezed Out Of A Seat

Something happened yesterday while I was on board the NEL on the way to harbourfront to celebrate a friend's birthday. Thought of sharing it because I think it is quite 'educational' and one would probably learn something out of it after reading about what transpired.

As usual, the NEL wasn't too packed and I got a seat the moment I boarded the train. I don't normally sit down on trains because many at times, just a short while after sitting, I would need to give up my seat to some elderly person or some pregnant lady. Remember thats what we learnt in 好公民 in primary school? If you have forgotten, please flip through your 好公民 textbook now! Alright thats besides the point for now. What happened was my butt whispered to me that it was aching after the training with the NH students so it wanted a rest. I decided to be kind to it for once and allowed it to have the empty seat that was frantically waving to it and saying 'sit on me sit on me'. So my dear butt had a good 10 min rest until the train reached Dhoby Ghaut...

The person seated on my left alighted from the train. So did the one on my right. Thus there were 2 empty seats beside me. I then saw 2 ladies who were friends walking towards the seats beside me. I decided to move over to the seat on the right so as to enable them to sit together rather than with me sitting in between them. Unknown to me, they had a 3rd friend. I must say those 2 ladies did not forget their 3rd friend... they 'moved in' a little to give the 3rd friend some space to squeeze in(yes 3 grown up ladies trying to squeeze into 2 seats on the train...) and guess what? I was therefore squeezed out of my seat... Ended up standing for the rest of the journey and amused by what had happened.

You may wish to try that the next time you take the MRT with your friends. At your own risk! =P


At Monday, July 03, 2006 6:19:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like this post the most!!!(TSK, TSK!SOoooo funny =)


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