Been 'neglecting' my friends the past few weeks due to my hectic schedule. Finally had the chance to meet up again witH FY and ZW today after training. Rushed off right after keeping the tables to avoid being late. For I don't wish to be like someONE who is often either very late without notice or simply 'puts aeroplane'. It is sometimes disappointing to see how some friends change over time. And to think that that someONE could actually just not turn up for another friend's birthday celebration even after he had agreed to turn up. Refused to answer calls and SMSes and finally decided to give a call to the birthday person to say that he won't be coming only 2 hours after the supposed meeting time. How 'wonderful'! I'm sorry to say I am utterly disgusted by such behaviour. I repeat... DISGUSTED is the word. When such things happen once, we can understand and we forget it quite soon. When it happens twice, we may still forget it soon. When it happens thrice, well, we may still just try to be understanding. BUT when it happens AGAIN AND AGAIN, I'm sorry to say that such behaviour speaks for itself and I'm afraid trying to justify it is simply difficult. Convincing us that you too feel bad is even more ridiculous for your actions don't reflect what you speak.
Anyway, I hope that posting this here would serve as a reminder to all as well as to myself that we all ought to have some basic principles and not turn out to be people who do not have 信用 (xin4 yong4). In life, I strongly believe in having 信用 otherwise others would find it extremely difficult to place trust in us. It strongly affects one's reliability and integrity as a person. Who would ever dare to entrust something important to a person who does not have 信用!?
In any case, I enjoyed the 'gathering' with FY and ZW. The cheese fondue was excellent I thought, though I think after today, the next time I will want to have any cheese will probably be at least a month later. What made this gathering more 'special' was the fact that it was probably going to be one of the last few gatherings that we will be having before both of them fly off... ZW will probably be flying off about a month from now, while FY will probably be flying off about 2 months from now. Yet another parting... one has already left, and 2 will be leaving soon. I can't help but wonder how things between the few of us(including 'Wupo') will change years later when they return...
That brings me to the topic of 'parting'. It is just so inevitable that 'parting' has to take place all the time. I believe the first time most people will experience parting is when they are in primary 6. I still remember that the last day of school was quite an emotional one for many then, though not quite for me. As we sang the graduation songs in the school hall, many students' tears just flowed... perhaps the words just struck a chord with how they felt. The completion of secondary 4 is also another moment of parting for many. People will then head towards wherever their dreams or results bring them to... but by then, most of us would already have accepted the fact that such parting is just part and parcel of life. I guess its more or less the same after the A levels and I shall not carry on otherwise I myself would feel like clicking on the 'x' at the top right hand corner of the screen.
Personally, the first two times I experienced emotional partings was when my beloved hamsters passed away about 1 year 3 months ago and 1 year 9 months ago respectively. The first one left me suddenly, without having any visible illness. She probably left very peacefully, for when I went home to 'clear' her body, she was resting in one of her favourite positions inside her favourite log. As I stretched my hand out to lift up her fluffy but stiff body, her 'sister' came running over and stared at me as if she did not want me to take the body away. When I eventually removed the body, her 'sister' ran under the 'dust'(can't remember what that thing is called) and newspapers to hide and just didn't want to see me. She looked visibly upset and so was I. I gently stroked her clean white fur repeatedly but it didn't help much in alleviating her emotional pain. Hence I left her alone for a while after that. After all, they had both been living together since they were born so I guess its natural that they grew really close despite those 'play fights' which they had quite regularly. (Look at the picture below which shows them 'quarreling'. One turned to the left, the other turned to the right).

For once I realised how emotional animals could also get. I didn't expect the 'sister' of the hammie who had passed away to react in such a manner. To the extent that I felt worried for her. I was worried that she would not be 'strong' enough to accept the death of her sister. Hence, after the death of that hammie, I would often go back home from hostel even during weekdays to spend time with her... and I'm glad I did. I enjoyed her company and I could see that she was also happy to climb onto my hand and run around on it. Maybe its just me who 自作多情(zi4 zuo4 duo1 qing2) but I really did feel that way. =P I also enjoyed the times when she would 'kiss' me. Whenever I placed her near my face, she would lick it and I would stroke her fur in appreciation. ;) Until one day (about 5 months later), when she started biting me for some reason which I did not understand. I did not sense anything amiss with her either, which made things complicated. I couldn't understand why she bit me each time she ran onto my hand. I thought that perhaps she was sick of playing with me so I tried giving her more 'peace' after that. Only after a few days/weeks later that I realised her eyes seemed a little red. I thought that perhaps she was having an eye infection so I brought her to the vet. The vet did a check on her and told me that she was having diarrhoea and it had probably been quite some time she had diarrhoea judging from the amount of weight she had lost. I felt so terrible then... for not noticing that she had lost weight and that she was having diarrhoea. Then I recalled that she started having the habit of biting me a few days/weeks ago and how she suddenly stopped biting me after I had brought her to the vet and gave her medicine. SO SMART SHE WAS! Biting me was probably her way of telling me that she wasn't feeling well, but silly me didn't understand it earlier. =( Thank goodness her diarrhoea stopped after about 2 doses of medication. The vet was actually worried that she might not make it because of her meagre weight... but I was sure relieved that she pulled through. The vet also gave medication for her eye infection which I faithfully applied for her every day. She seemed fine after that and was once again happy to play with me without biting me.
Unfortunately, several days later, her eye infection came back and this time there was pus. I saw her scratching it very often and so I brought her to the vet again. The vet decided to give her a round of antibiotics to see if it would help. Sadly after a few days, the pus still did not disappear. I had to bring her to the vet again and this time, the vet decided that there was a need to 'manually' squeeze out the pus, but it would be done with anaesthesia. I was worried sick... as I had heard of how my friend's hamster went through a successful operation but did not wake up from the anesthesia. I asked about the risks and the vet seemed confident that that should not be a problem. Thus I signed the papers to 'permit' her to undergo those procedures and before sending her to the 'operating theatre', I took her out and played with her for a short while, kissed and stroked her, before handing her over to the vet while telling her 'Please be careful and gentle with her.' (So long-winded hor?) After that, I was to leave the veterinary clinic and they said they would contact me once my dearie woke up from the anaesthesia and after sufficient 'observation'.
I waited impatiently for that call. I started calling after 2 hours and was told that she was still sleeping. It got me worried. After another half an hour or so, I called again and this time, I was told that she had woken up from the anaesthesia. I heaved a sigh of relief! However, they said that they would have to observe her for a while more. A few hours later, they called me to tell me that I could go and take her home. Whew! I was overjoyed to see her again. However, she still looked tired and weak... and it certainly pained me to see her in that state. I brought her home and let her have some rest and she seemed better a few hours later. I checked on her quite often to ensure that she was fine...
The next morning, I woke up early to find her lying motionless. I was shocked and lost. I wrapped her body nicely with cloth and tissue, placed it in a box, and brought her to be cremated at the vet's place. Before I took the box out of the car, I opened it and looked at her body one last time while thinking of all the great times I shared with her.
The vet's assistant was shocked to see her body as she still saw her alive just the day before. She gasped and I managed a helpless weak smile while fighting back tears. After filling in all the forms for her cremation, I went back to the car, lay back, and teared. I kinda blamed myself for allowing her to undergo the 'supposedly simple procedure' but I knew there was no better choice. If I had let her eye infection carry on, no one knew what could have happened... but still, I was overwhelmed by guilt and sadness, realising how much she had to undergo before leaving this world.
Perhaps it 'helped' that my exams were nearing... I was 'forced' to concentrate on my studies and try not to think about the whole episode.
Wow. An entry on 'last few gatherings' could remind me also of my 'last few gatherings' with my darlings. Unbelievable. I guess I still miss dearly those moments I spent with those 2 cuties but I wouldn't want to keep any more hamsters until at least a few years later when I have graduated and perhaps can afford more time to play with them. Alas, I ought to thank the 2 of them for making me a 'better driver'. If not for the number of times I had to drive them to the vet, I would probably not be so 'gentle' with my brakings. It was almost entirely because of them that I learnt to be gentle when braking and not drive in a manner that would scare them.
On another note, my brother can get quite irritating at times. I reached home at about 6 after training and was already in a hurry. Yet he refused to open the door for me... instead, he took out his 'dirty' and silly-looking stuff toy 'Dino' and asked me to kiss it before he would open the door for me. I refused and so had to spend quite a few minutes outside waiting for Mel to be back from buying stuff. While its also my fault for not bringing the keys, I wished he could be less irritating and disturb me less. Anyone wants an 'exchange programme'? If you are one of those who think that its great to have an older brother, how about this... I would gladly 'exchange' him with your sibling for a week and let's see if you still think its great to have an older brother. =P
Lastly, today's training went on well and I felt touched and amused by the girls who suggested that I went up with them to receive their trophies on 18 July, probably because I am around their size and can easily pass off as one of them(WAIT... is that really a compliment? =P ). YR and a few others(I can't remember who exactly) also suggested that I keep one of it since there would be 'extras' but I would certainly refuse to do so as it was entirely their hard work and fighting spirit that won them the trophy. Also, there are others who contributed selflessly for years, especially Shizhi who would often travel all the way down from his house in Bedok to train with them, and I think its people like him who truly deserve credit.
Have also informed those who were present today about the plans for 26 July and I guess that would again be another one of the 'last few gatherings' that I will have with many of them.
I will certainly treasure all these last few gatherings...